8 March 2022 | By Lending People
Why it’s important to stop little issues from becoming big problems
It’s easy to put those little issues off for another day, but not dealing with something could cause massive headaches further down the line
We’ve all done it now and again – we see something that’s just a tiny little issue, and think ‘that’s not urgent, I’ll deal with it later’.
Sometimes, that’s fine. That fallen over flower pot in the garden or the mark on the wall when you moved in the new couch isn’t always an urgent matter. But there are other times when it’s really important to investigate and fix those little issues before they become far larger and more expensive problems.
Keeping an eye on your appliances
Our whiteware is a real workhorse in a home. The fridge/freezer keeps our food fresh, the washing machine keep our clothes nice and clean, the dryer can stand in when the weather is against us and the dishwasher (if it isn’t the kids) keeps our dishes and glasses sparkling.
Thing is, we likely take these items for granted, and don’t perform the maintenance we should to keep them in nice, working order. And if something goes really wrong, the item might need costly work done, or even a full replacement. And that can cost.
So, to avoid that, there are tiny little jobs you can do that will take some of the load off your appliances.
- Fridge/freezer: Clean the back coils once or twice a year. This will help maintain energy efficiency and cooling ability (if you have a newer unit, you might be off the hook, as they may have contained coils that won’t need cleaning)
- Washing machine: Avoid flooding issues by taking a look at the hoses every few weeks. Untangle any kinks and look for cracks or leaks. If you see any, replace the hose immediately
- Dryer: Stop fires before they happen by cleaning out the lint trap after or before each use. It’s also good to clear out the vent (if you can) every few months
- Dish washer: Keep an eye for leaks, as that may indicate a broken seal, which could cause flooding. Also empty the scrap trap every few weeks to avoid blockages
Watching for trouble on the walls and roof
There are plenty of areas outside on your house you need to keep an eye on. Flaking paint could expose the wood of a weather board to the elements. A sagging gutter may mean it’s blocked, which could damage the house. Moss on the roof may indicate moisture infiltration.
But if you catch these kinds of things early on, you can avoid expensive repair bills, like having to replace a rotting weather board, paying for new gutters to be installed or dealing with expensive roof repairs. There are also some actions you can take to avoid some issues, like installing gutter covers to keep leaves and debris out while letting the water drain normally.
Depending on the issue and the house, you may need to call in a professional. For instance, many of the paints used on weatherboards up until the 70s contained lead, which mean you can’t just sand it off and paint over it. If in doubt, call in an expert. Don’t just try to muddle through it yourself, as you may make things worse.
Fixing wobbling or bowing deck railings and boards
Another lovely spot that can have a few issues is the deck. Being exposed to the elements, decking can take quite a beating all year round, so it’s important to make sure it’s maintained.
If you have any posts or railings that have a wobble in them, it’s important to get those replaced as soon as possible. Leaving them be not only could make the situation worse, it could also lead to someone being injured.
The same goes for decking boards that have more give than they should. If they bow when you’re stepping on them, they may be starting to rot. Getting them replaced should be a top priority before someone accidentally puts their foot through the deck.
Don’t let your furnishings get away on you
Remember that drawer set you used to have, the one that was always a pain to open and close? Chances are we’ve all had one of those experiences with a drawer, and chances are it was just seen as a minor annoyance.
The problem is, the more force you use to try and open or close a drawer, the more damage possible when it finally gives.
But by replacing the drawer sliders, you can solve this issue pretty quickly. This can be a little fiddly, as you’ll probably need to unscrew the old slider and then screw the new one in, but this will likely be easier than buying a whole new drawer set.
Need a little help?
Sometimes, you might find you don’t have the money to get some of these repairs rolling, and that’s the reason you put them off. But by leaving them to deteriorate further, you could be setting yourself up for a far larger bill down the road.
A personal loan can be a handy alternative, and with rates as low as 6.95% p.a.*, you can get these little issues repaired now, rather than leaving them to become an even bigger problem.
This blog is provided for general information purposes and is not a recommendation you enter into or exit any particular loans or insurance policy. Information on the website does not consider your particular circumstances, including your objectives, financial situation or needs. We recommend you seek advice from a financial adviser before taking any action as appropriate. The Lending People Limited (FSP240365) is a licensed financial advice provider and can provide advice on some types of personal loans. Find out more about The Lending People and how we may be able to help you.